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Name: Cathy Bowles
From: Portland
E-mail: Contact
I met Karen when John and Drayton were in grade school at Bridlemile. We worked on school projects together and enjoyed a laugh on numerous occasions.
We last chatted at Carey Mougey's bridal shower during which she waxed eloquently about Collin and gave the website address so I could "see for yourself." One could palpably feel and hear the sound of her love for her entire family on any given day with every reference of them. She was a gift to her family and friends and acquaintances. What the world has lost the stars have gained.
Added: June 4, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Collin Froman
I miss my Grandma, but I'm glad I got to know her if only for 2 years. Grandma spoiled me rotten. Sometimes my parents would request she do mean things to me like let me cry in bed, or not buy me presents. She wouldn't listen to them though because she loved me so much! I will remember her always.
Added: June 3, 2009 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  

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